Elder Harris, Portia and Gordella

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Letter

December 6, 2009

Today is Christmas. OK, not realy but just imagine for a minute, I hope you like your gifts. Not much, I know, but at least it is something. Try not to spend it all in one place :) So did Santa come last night? If he didn't, I blame Jeremy for killing the car and getting Grandma beat up at his show! Do you think she will come to the next one :) So I'm full of smiles cause today was an awesome day. We were fed at dinner and got cake from Sister Kiffer to celebrate Elder Adjeifio's birthday. He left for Cape Coast three days ago. On top of that, we had a guy come to church today and tell us he felt comfortable, so when can he be baptized. Pretty sweet if you ask me. I also confirmed this guy named Eric as a member of the church and confirmed to him the Holy Ghost. It was prety nerve racking giving him a blessing in front of the Asokwa ward. It went pretty well though.

So like I said today is Christmas so you better enjoy yourselves cause you only have one more without me (if I don't get killed by some voodoo queen or Jehovah's Witnessess!) Enjoy the fact that you don't have to listen to a brand new bass ripping through the house and several other houses down the block. Try not to go to the emergency room with half a finger and a lame story behind it. At least spice it up a little bit. Maybe you could say that it got bitten off by a large tarantla spider from the Orient. That would be pretty cool. As for me, I'll enjoy my decorated refrigerator and the fact that we will have the Kiffer's apartment to ourselves. We will enjoy!

Give love to the family. I love you all and miss you. Merry Christmas!! I'll call you soon.

Elder Andrew R. Harris


I miss Disneyland and cheese.

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